

绿色,杰克逊 & 兰斯赢得了GFB YF&R竞技项目




史蒂文和塔拉·格林, 斯伯丁县的, 获得GFB成就奖, which recognizes farming and leadership efforts among young farmers and ranchers who earn the majority of their income from farming. 格林一家饲养肉鸡和牛, 种干草,摘花, 并出售和散布鸡砂. Steven is vice president of the Spalding County Farm Bureau (SCFB) and chairs the GFB Poultry Commodity Committee. 塔拉曾在SCFB YF服役&R,妇女领导与晋升 & 2014年至今教育委员会.

作为GFB成就奖得主, 格林一家收到了500美元现金, 一辆约翰迪尔亚视, and an expense-paid trip to the 2022 AFBF Convention in Atlanta.

柯尔特和莉安娜·哈特, 富兰克林县, 谁是成就奖的决赛选手, 提高肉鸡, 肉牛、干草和牲畜. 柯尔特是富兰克林县农业局(FCFB) YF&R Chairman and serves on the GFB Beef Commodity Committee. LeAnna serves on the FCFB Women’s Leadership Committee. 哈特夫妇获得了500美元的奖金.

从左起,柯尔特 & 莉安娜·哈特,带着孩子布瑞尔,乔莉,莱拉 & Sage,我们是GFB YF的决赛选手&R成就奖,而塔拉 & 史蒂文·格林(Steven Green)和女儿哈德利(Hadley)获得了该奖项. | 詹妮弗·惠特克摄



Jessica Lance, of Morgan County, won the GFB Excellence in Agriculture Award. This award recognizes an individual or couple for their involvement in Farm Bureau and agriculture, 以及他们的领导能力. Ideal candidate(s) for this award do not make the majority of their income from farming, 然而, the award is not solely based on the applicant(s) occupation.

Lance grew up working on her parents’ produce farm in South Carolina. 在学校教了两年书之后, she returned to the family farm to manage the family’s agricultural trucking business. This experience led Lance to start her own logistics company in 2017 that hauls raw grains from farms to processors, 牲畜饲料供给磨坊和农民. Her company, The Go Ag Group, also hauls fertilizers, biosolids and landscape products. Lance and her husband, Brian, started a Red Angus cow-calf operation in 2019. She is an active member of the Morgan County Farm Bureau YF&R委员会 for which she has served as treasurer since 2017. 作为州赢家, 兰斯收到了500美元现金, 一辆约翰迪尔亚视, and an expense-paid trip to the 2022 AFBF Convention.

哈特县的布莱恩·弗莱明和阿什利·怀特, 然后是北富尔顿县, were finalists for the Excellence in Agriculture Award. 每人得到500美元现金. Fleming is assistant farm manager of PTL Agriculture, LLC., 他家种大豆的农场, 小麦, 米洛/谷物, 高粱, 玉米, oats and hay; and raises cattle. Fleming grew up working on the family farm and today has responsibilities for just about every aspect of the farm. 他曾担任哈特县农业局YF的主席&自2014年以来,R委员会不断扩大该县的YF&R program from just himself to its current membership of about 35. He regularly visits local schools to teach students about agriculture and has served on the GFB YF&自2019年起成立R委员会.

Ashley White grew up working on her family’s cattle ranch and horse boarding facility in Florida and competing in various equine competitions including barrel racing, 牛仔竞技表演, 和盛装舞步, 她还在参加哪个项目. Having grown up in FFA and 4-H, it was natural for White to become an ag education teacher. She taught seven years in Florida and the past four years at Milton High School in North Fulton County. White has been active in Farm Bureau in both her home state of Florida and in North Fulton County Farm Bureau (NFCFB). She has served as a NFCFB director since 2017, as NFCFB YF&R Chair in 2018-19 and as NFCFB president from 2019 until she and her husband, 瑞安, moved back to Florida in late July where she will continue teaching ag education.

左起为杰西卡·兰斯、布莱恩·弗莱明 & Ashley White were the top finalists for the GFB YF&R卓越农业奖. 兰斯赢得了比赛. | 洛根·托马斯摄




克里夫 Jackson, of Floyd County, prevailed over 16 other competitors from 16 counties, to win the GFB YF&R讨论会. This event is designed to mimic a committee meeting in which individuals seek solutions to ag issues. In the Final Four round of the discussion meet, Jackson and the other finalists: Will 凯布 富兰克林县; Emily 伦纳德 of Echols County; and Willie Sizemore of Lee County; discussed how Farm Bureau can improve its effectiveness at recruiting YF&R成员和越来越多的参与YF&R程序.

Jackson, received $500, 一辆约翰迪尔亚视 and an expense-paid trip to the 2022 AFBF Convention. Jackson is a sales representative for Elanco Animal Health’s poultry products and runs a commercial cow/calf operation.

凯布 is a poultry, cattle, hay, goat and sheep producer who is a past chairman of the GFB YF&R委员会. 伦纳德, who was the top collegiate competitor in the discussion meet, is a rising senior at the UGA College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences (CAES) where she is majoring in agricultural communications. 她将代表GFB参加AFBF YF&R Collegiate Discussion Meet next winter at the AFBF YF&R会议. Sizemore is a recent graduate of the UGA CAES where he majored in ag communications. 三名决赛选手每人获得350美元.

GFB YF的前四名决赛选手&R讨论会 Competition were: from left, Willie Sizemore, 克里夫 Jackson, Emily 伦纳德 & 将凯布. 杰克逊赢得了比赛. | 詹妮弗·惠特克摄



绿党, Lance and Jackson willl vye for the national awards at the 103rd American Farm Bureau Annual Convention in Atlanta,  1月8 - 11.  The first through fourth placee winners of each AFBF YF&R竞赛将获得以下奖品:

• Winner (first place) - A new Ford truck or vehicle valued at $35,000 courtesy of Ford Motor Company and paid registration to the Farm Bureau YF&R Leadership Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, February 25 - 28, 2022;

• Runner-up (second place) - A Case IH Farmall 50A tractor valued at $27,699 courtesy of Case IH;

• Third place - A Case IH 40” Combination Roll Cabinet & 顶箱价值3美元,035, a $2,500投资你的未来现金奖, courtesy of American Agricultural 十大靠谱网赌官方平台 Company, $1,价值850美元的斯坦利·布莱克 & 德克尔商品(PROTO, DeWalt, Stanley, Lenox) & Irwin)  and a $500 Case IH parts card courtesy of Case IH.

• Fourth place - A Case IH 40” Combination Roll Cabinet & 顶箱价值3美元,035 and a $500 Case IH parts card courtesy of Case IH.

全国YF&R awards will be presented during the closing general session of the AFBF Convention on Jan. 10.



-GFB -